Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Subway. Eat Fresh.

Background. I go to Subway. I know that somewhere along the way the quality of the products they serve has to be compromised in order to keep their prices where they are. But I go. It’s cheap and I like it. More background. Cleburne is a small town, but over the past few years it has experienced exponential growth due to the county’s phenomenal gas wells. The main street through town is five lanes and always packed, several national chain stores as well as restaurants have popped up, and the population is booming. With that being said the bustling small city of Cleburne has 1 Subway to feed all of the business people and other residents of the town. It is not unusual to wait a good 20 minutes for a sandwich.

So today I left to Subway around 11:20 hoping to beat the rush at the local Subway. I walked in and I was the fourth person in line. My plan seemed to be working. The guy that was three people in front of me placed his order, “I need 7 sandwiches,” he said. Damn. So much for in and out. Of course each one has to be slightly different, and it had to be toasted. Lets talk about “toasted” at Subway. I don’t think it’s a toaster oven. I think it’s a nuclear powered, radio-active, glorified microwave. That guy alone took about ten minutes. The lady two people in front of me, and by lady I mean an 18 year old girl with her baby, ordered the grossest sandwich I have ever heard of. Here it is: White bread, pepperoni, bacon, American cheese, mayo and a little lettuce (the Subway lettuce reminds me of St. Augustine grass). What about that sounds good? Wait, and she had it toasted. Gross. Gross. Gross. While I was there, they ran out of bacon and American cheese. I finally made it out of there about thirty minutes after I came in.

I would not go back, but it’s the only one for about ten miles so I have to. Plus, when I go back, it always seems to make me laugh in hind-site.

1 comment:

J. Didier said...

Hi, this is the Bereek, but since I'm computer idiotic, and don't have a google account, (actually I do, but Jim set it up for me, and do I know how to access it? I don't think so.....) and I don't have a blogger account, and I happen to be at your mom's house, she's letting me use her account.
Anyway, that being said, that sandwich you described sounded pretty good to Uncle Mike, and we just got an excellent idea for a business we could open........if only it weren't in Cleburne, Texas. Hmmmm. P.S. Toasted is good!